Linux Hosting Standard Business Advance
Hosting Space 1000 MB 1000 MB 5000 MB
Bandwidth Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Email Accounts Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Sub-Domains Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Control Panel (cPanel): FREE Demo FREE Demo FREE Demo
Web Mail Webmail Webmail Webmail
Uptime Guarantee Uptime Guarantee Uptime Guarantee Uptime Guarantee
Backup Last 7 Days
Premium Support Yes Yes Yes
Free Domain NO YES YES
Package Price Rs:999/ Year Rs:2499/ Year Rs:14999/ Year
General Specifications
General Specification Software Support Emails & Domains
24/7 technical support
99.9% uptime guarantee
100% private label
FREE domain reseller account
30 days money-back guarantee
Redundant RAID10 disk space
PHP 5.2 and 5.3
Perl 5
Unlimited domains and e-mail accounts
POP3, SMTP and IMAP server
SpamAssassin and custom mail filters
E-mail forwarders and aliases
Webmail access
E-mail catch-all
Multimedia & Tools Backups Servers
FFMPEG, Mplayer, Flvtool, Lame
Install over 200 scripts with one click
Custom nameservers
Cron jobs
File manager
Web statistics and logs
Custom error pages
Backups integrated in cPanel
Easy restore from cPanel
Remote backups
7 restore points for the last 7 days
FREE daily backups
Latest quad core Intel CPU’s
Minimum 8GB RAM
4 drives in RAID10 for maximum redundancy
100mbit/s connectivity
24/7 monitoring for all services

Payment Way