Windows Hosting Standard Business Advance
Hosting Space 1000 MB 1000 MB 5000 MB
Bandwidth Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Email Accounts Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Sub-Domains Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Control Panel (WebsitePanel): FREE Demo FREE Demo FREE Demo
Web Mail SmarterMail 8.x SmarterMail 8.x SmarterMail 8.x
Uptime Guarantee Uptime Guarantee Uptime Guarantee Uptime Guarantee
MySQL Databases Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Premium Support Yes Yes Yes
Free Domain NO YES YES
Package Price Rs:999/ Year Rs:2499/ Year Rs:14999/ Year
Full Plan Detail
General Technical
Free Shopping Cart
All plans come with Free WebsitePanel control panel
99.99% Uptime Guarantee
30 Days Money Back Guarantee
24/7 Tech Support: email, ticket, live help
24/7 Server & Network active monitoring
All servers protected by network firewall and intrusion detection system
Backup Tool Available - with remote backup option
Free Search Engine Submission Tool
Service Intl
Tutorials & Online Knowledge Base
Intuitive Web Control Panel & Site Administration
Each client account includes: FREE TOOLS
All plans Windows 2008 Server R2 based
ASP 7.0.6, ASP.NET 1.1.4, ASP.NET 2.0.5, ASP.NET 3.0, ASP.NET 3.5, 4.0 & 4.5
C#, VB#
PHP support for version 5.4
PHP support for version 4.x and 5.2.x available per request
Microsoft SQL Enterprise 2005 & 2008 - unlimited databases
Microsoft Access Database - unlimited databases
MySQL support version 5.x - unlimited databases
phpMyAdmin - web based database administration tool
IIS 7.0/7.5 (Web Server)
CrystalReports support - version 12
Support for /bin folder & CodeBehind
Microsoft Report Viewer 2010
MVC 1, 2, 3 & 4
Parent path support
CGI support
Server Side Includes (SSI)
JavaScript & AJAX support
Python support
Perl (modperl) support
Zend Optimizer + ioncube support
Web Statistics + Raw Log Manager
FTP support - unlimited accounts
Protected Directories
GD support
Curl support
Source Guardian and ioncube support
Own MIME types support
Web File Manager
Custom 404 Pages
Alternative SMTP port - for ISP blocking connection to port 25
Streaming Auido & Video support
Scheduled Jobs support
Flash & Dreamweaver support
URL Redirect module
Unlimited E-mail Accounts
Unlimited Auto responders & Vacation messages
Unlimited Aliases & Mail Forwarding
Support for user disk quota
Anti-spam & Anti-virus
Mailing list support (Mailman)
Catch All
SpamAssassin, DomainKeys and SPF support
Web Mail Interface: SmarterMail 8.x
POP3/IMAP access
SMTP support w/ Authentication (alternative SMTP port available)
User and Account Level Filtering

LINQ / AJAX / Silverlight 2, 3, 4 & 5 support
URLRewrite Module
Online ASP.NET Version control tool
Isolated Application Pool: better security/reliability
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 & 4.0
Classic ASP 3.0 Hosting
Components: Persits AspJpeg, AspUpload, AspEmail, AspPDF
FileSystemsObject / CDO
Customizable global.asa, global.asax, web.config
.NET dll, Code Behind, /bin Folder
Multiple Application Root
Web Services Supported (.asmx)
ASP.NET MVC 1,2 & 3
Microsoft Chart Controls for .NET 3.5
MS XML 6.0 / XAML / SQLXML 4.0